Sunday, December 8, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 14

2 December 2019

Hey fam, what's good!?

All things are good here in Arlington! This week was pretty crazy town, so let's jump into it.(;

Thanksgiving rocked. We had district council in the morning and then the Elders and we baked 200 cookies to take to less-active families and friends in the ward. It was so great. That basically took the whole day and after that, we went to the Cortez' house for Thanksgiving dinner. Not gonna lie it was really weird to be at a big Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of Latinos that weren't my fam. I was kinda' wiggin' out. But we made it and it was a really good time.(:

So it was Hermana Fuller and I's first Tuesday together this week and I was super excited for English class, we set everything up and waited excitedly, and then,

no one came.

Hermano Colon (who already knows English) strolled in and was like, "Hey I wanted to come support you and get to know the students today!" And we were like, "Nah, sorry bro no one came." It was really sad. He was like, "oh, well it's okay Hermanas." I was pretty devastated, not gonna lie. Hermana Fuller kept telling me jokes and attempting to play Hymns on the piano to cheer me up. We eventually left and went out to try and find people. That ended up being really fun!

JAIRO IS GOING TO BE BAPTIZED. We had our second lesson with Jairo this week and immediately when I sat down the spirit was like "YO. YOU NEED TO ASK THIS MAN TO BE BAPTIZED." And so we started talking about faith and repentance and we were teaching in unity and everything was awesome and epic!! I didn't want to send it @ baptism without Hermana Fuller being on board, especially since I really wanted her to ask him the big Q, but then she started talking about baptism and I knew it and she knew it and Jairo was practically begging us on the inside to ask him, and we asked all these questions to make sure he understood the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what the promises we make during baptism are and he was literally answering every question with perfect clarity and understanding and then...

BAM. Hermana Fuller sent it and asked Jairo if he would like to be baptized. !!!

And he said "YES. I would like that very much!"

I have never felt the spirit so strong in my entire life. I was literally WEAK from the spirit's influence. We closed the lesson and left and Hermana Fuller and I literally jumped all around for joy!!! It was an amazing experience.

A G. I am so thankful to be in Arlington with my awesome companion.

So I had a little bout of RAS last week and the beginning of this week, so basically NOT catching a cold was casi impossible. On Thursday I started feeling sick and eventually I just got recked. I've been chugging Theraflu to make it through these past couple days, but I think I'm finally nearing the end of the tunnel. Everyone kept telling me how bad I looked at church so that was fun. Haha.(:

Hermana Fuller also got a WICKED case of food poisoning on Wednesday, so that was a really fun adventure. Hit her hard at 7:30. Lol.

Alright fam, that's about it! I love you, and the Lord loves you WAY more. Thank you for all the prayers and love, I can feel it!

Hermana Jimenez

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