Sunday, December 15, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 15

9 December 2019


First and foremost a BIG congratulations to Keeks who was called to the New York, New York mission speaking Mandarin. That's awesome!!! You're going to be THE BEST!!

It also looks like all the people serving in my ward right now are in Washington except for Sister Brammer. That's crazy!! Hahaha. Field Crescent representing out here in WA.

Tbh (to be honest) things are pretty slow here in Arlington at the moment. Everyone is hustling and bustling for the Holiday season so we're trying to remind people of the REASON for the season! Our Savior Jesus Christ!😄 Are you all participating in Light the World? I SURE HOPE YOU ARE. Let's all try a little harder to make him the focus of our Christmas season by lighting the world one by one. We got this, fam.

Anyway, my being sick brought me a WICKED asthma attack and I only had like 12 puffs left on my inhaler, so there was a lot of huffing and puffing and almost choking to death once that happened until my companion finally convinced me to go get a new inhaler. Hahaha. The point is, I couldn't breathe and now I can kinda breathe so yay for little miracles.

UNPACKING... THE SCRIPTURES This week I've been trying REALLY hard to unpack the scriptures. We read the scriptures all the time, sometimes we study, but can we strip it down to the doctrines, patterns, and principles to apply it? Mosiah 12:27
"27 Ye have not applied your hearts to understanding; therefore, ye have not been wise. Therefore, what teach ye this people?"

Are we able to apply our hearts to the scriptures if we aren't understanding the what, why, and the how? The short answer is no. So that is something I'm learning how to do.
  • What is this passage telling me?
  • Why is it important?
  • How do I apply it?
If we study the scriptures with these 3 questions, doctrines will become clear and we will truly understand who we are, what our purpose is, and the fact that we have a very real Savior who is guiding our way.

We got THE BEST CHRISTMAS PACKAGE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD THIS WEEK. It had a full-size nativity in it!!! Hahahah. But yeah, we got a bunch of decorations and PILLOW CASES and all the goods to make our Christmas super special. We made our gingerbread houses last night. Also, I got some SUPER SCRUNCHIES. It was a good pick me up.

Anyway, I love all you guys. Thank you for everything!!!

Hermana Jimenez

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