Sunday, October 20, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 7

14 October 2019

I had my first bible bash on Wednesday and it went a little like this.

We walk into this lady's house and start talking about the Book of Mormon. She puts her hand up and says, "can I make a call?" We're like, "uh, sure" she calls her friend to COME TO HER HOUSE TO BASH US. Her friend shows up and starts shooting a bunch of questions at me that I answer. Then she gets all mad and asks harder questions that I answer. At one point I use a scripture to explain my point and she goes, "THAT'S GARBAGE. THAT SCRIPTURE IS STUPID AND NOT TRUE" and I was like, "WELL IT'S FROM YOUR PRECIOUS BIBLE!!!" she was shook. Then she started talking really fast, so she would speak some Spanish at me and I'd whip around to my companion and say, "WHAT'D SHE SAY?" and then yell some Spanish back at her. Eventually, it ended with her saying "You're just going to WAIT for me to die to SPITE BAPTIZE ME." and I was like, "LOL NAH you CAN WAIT." And then we asked if we could pray and she offered and it sounded like some kind of Satanic chanting and I'm pretty sure I got cursed, so yeah. That was that.

Hermana Luker is Sofia's new companion. She has about 8 months in the mission and has served in 5 areas. They had a pretty good week. Sofia was able to maneuver the area and they met Standards again this week.

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