Sunday, November 24, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 12

Monday, 18 November 2019

Heyooooooo fam.(:

So this week was great!!! I didn't do super well of documenting everything, but I'll try to recap a lot of it.

Half mission Conference was AMAZING. President Pearson came and he just ripped us apart. It was so amazing. I have never been so spiritually recked in my life. Hahaha. But in all reality, it was really spiritual and amazing and I feel so inspired to do better and be better. Literally, none of my friends were there, though.): Everyone I know was at the southern conference, so that was a little sad. Haha.

After the conference, they gave us all flu-shots (WHICH ALL OF YOU BACK HOME SHOULD GET) <---- Seriously though. So that was great. I saw Sister Twede again, too (The sister who I ran into at BYU before I left on the mish)!!!

Aida was baptized (AND I didn't flood the font this time. Haha.) We really wanted to make sure it was warm for her because she heard that it was FREEZING for Miguel, so we were really careful about making it "calientito" like she asked. But when the time finally came, she was like, "this is too hot." Hermana Luker and I were SHOOK. We were all like lol PLEASE get in the water. Hahaha. But we ran the cold for literally 2 seconds and she was like, "oh it's perfect now!" So it all worked out. She was the last member of her family to be baptized and now they can go to the Temple and be sealed for eternity!!! It really is amazing to see the Gospel bring a family together. Congratulations to Aida.(:

So last Sunday we found an awesome guy named Jairo and it was literally a miracle and when we were walking away from the doorway he literally said the words, "well I guess I'll be Mormon, then." it was WHACK. Haha. Well. We texted him throughout the week and he read in the scriptures and really liked everything he read! This Sunday he met us at church and it went really well, other than me bursting out laughing during the closing Hymn because it was really awkward.

Hermana Luker was the chorister and no one for a 10-foot radius was singing the Hymns, but I held up the hymn book and was and was singing next to Jairo and let me tell you, it was BIEN awkward, haha. I started laughing during the final verse and he started laughing and it was a vicious cycle, but I think it made him feel a lot more comfortable.

So I'm currently serving with Sister Bird who had just served 4 transfers in Seattle YSA, so we decided to use our out of zone to yeet over to Seattle and spend the morning!! It was so awesome. We started on UW's campus and saw all the awesome architecture (I was getting some serious flashbacks to Orchestra tour, haha). I guess they based Hogwarts architecture off of the library at UW. Super cool, huh!! Anyway, when you walk up the stairs you literally feel like your on your way to Defence Against the Dark Arts, so that was super fun. Haha. Then we went to Pike's place to hang out. After that, we went to Ivers on the water and threw French fries at the Seagulls. It was BIEN terrifying, but all in all a good time. We ended the day by meeting up with the Seattle missionaries to hang out for a bit, it was a good time.

I hope all is well back home! I love you all so much and I'm so thankful for all of the prayers and letters. Speaking of things I'm thankful for... I invite you all to think extra hard as Thanksgiving approaches about someone you're thankful for! I invite each of you to do something nice for that person, whether that's writing them a letter or bringing them a treat or making their bed, just make sure they understand that they are important and loved!!

I love you all, but more importantly, you have a heavenly father who knows and loves you. He wants the best for you, and he wants you to understand that you are His! When I think about our divine nature, my mind is drawn to a scripture in D&C 50:41-42
41 Fear not, little children, for you are mine, and I have overcome the world, and you are of them that my Father hath given me;42 And none of them that my Father hath given me shall be lost.HEAVENLY FATHER LOVED US ENOUGH TO SEND US A SAVIOR. We belong to Him. He overcame the world and we are His, and because we are His, we WILL NOT be lost. I invite you each to ask Heavenly Father if these scriptures are true. Because they are, and really understanding that can AND WILL change your life.

I love you guys!
Hermana Jimenez

PS - Transfers are on Wednesday. She uploaded this fortune... but she's not leaving Sunnyside, she's getting a new companion.

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23 March 2020 Hello friends and family! I have felt all your love so strongly this week. Thank you so much for your prayers and emails...