Sunday, November 17, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 11

11 November 2019

It's been a good week!!! Let's get to it!!

So last week we had an awesome lesson with a guy named Jose on his doorstep. He is around our age and was really happy to hear the message we had. We asked him if we could meet again and he was like, for sure! So this Monday we went over there, but when we got there, no women were inside. #triste. But I was like," yo, you wanna just meet at McDonalds" and he was like, "Yeah!" So this guy follows us to the McDonalds where we have our first lesson and it is SUPER spiritual. It's just so funny how things work out sometimes. This experience reminded me a lot of the good ol' days on eternal exchanges with YSA. It's so awesome to teach someone who isn't so set in their ways! The people who will just follow you to McaDee's to hear the good word. Haha. He's progressing, so that's awesome!

The Elders called us on Tuesday and asked us if we'd like to go with their recent converts to help them with baptisms. We were like, uhhh are you kidding!?! Of course. But then they were like, lol, the thing is the trip is tomorrow and we all need rides. We were shook. Haha. Classic Elders. So we were able to swing some things around and get rides for everyone (we had to ask people in the YSA ward) and eventually we had our rides 1 hour before we were supposed to leave. Haha.
But like always, it all worked out!
We headed down to Belleview and when we finally got there and got out Elouisa, our most recent convert, said: "I DON'T HAVE MY RECOMMEND." I was shook. We decided to send it and just see what they could do. They looked her up and everything was all good. She got in! We did baptisms, and yes, I DID get my hair wet on day 3.😢 It was totally worth it and it was so amazing to be in the Temple again!!

The next day the Elders came with a bunch of packages!! It was so great. I got a much-needed SD card (I hit 98% storage the day it came, haha), a clip-on flashlight for finding time because it's pitch dark outside and there are no streetlights out here in good ol' Washington, a new journal, and a NEW SWEATER. Bless up. It's so cute and I kinda' look like an American Girl doll when I wear it, haha. So thanks momma. Coming in clutch for me out here.(;

So during weekly planning last week Hermana Luker was like, "yo, why have we never gone up to Oso" (country-country town). I was like, yeah I mean I'm sure there are people up there that need the gospel. Miguel is from Oso and so we were feeling pretty confident about it. But BOY OH BOY were we in for a treat. Other than driving for an actual hour we had to wade through waist tall grass and hop fences, walk around strange, purgatory-like properties, and all kinds of things of the sort to contact people. Surprisingly, no one yelled at us, but kinda not surprisingly they were all super white. At one point we contacted a guy that was like "NO SPANISH PEPPLE LIVE HERE. You could maybe, MAYBE find 3 families in Darrington, so we drove to Darrington and walked a super long road knocking like 3 properties every mile. Haha. No fue divertido, but it was super pretty and I'm pretty sure I met the real Santa Claus, so can I really complain? And now we know that it isn't worth 80 miles unless we have a reference. Hahaha.

You heard it. We found NINE new people this week thanks to the Lord. Crazy town. We finally got all of the English ladies from the food bank on board (4) and we started teaching Monse's kids (2). Additionally, we taught this AMAZING lady named Rufina who has a book of Mormon from a friend and told us she loves the story of Joseph Smith - I KNOW, an awesome guy named Juan, and HAIRO!!!!!

Hairo is a miracle.

We were knocking doors Sunday before our lesson with Aida and we knocked a door for a former named Edward. A super nice man named Juan opened the door and we did our little shpeel and he was like, "Listen, I have my own church, but I have a friend who is looking for a church, let me get him."

So he goes to the living room and out comes Hairo. We start talking to him about Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon and he really liked all of it. We read Moroni 10:3-5 and he was really interested. He was intently listening on a door contact. LOVE IT. We are at the point where we are trying to give him a Libro and a folleto and neither of us can find our pens, so he goes and gets one for us. When he came back he was like, "I only have one question" and we were like, sick, shoot, and he goes... "Where and when is church." WE WERE SHOOK. Right then another one of his friends came in and was like, "Ahhhh Los Mormones!!! Me gusta mucho su iglesia. Se que donde esta. Voy a traer mi amigo (Hairo) este domingo." At this point we were like !!!!!!!!!!!  And then Hairo goes, "Yeah, well I guess I'm going to be Mormon."  GET RECKED. God is good. He really leads us to where we need to be to find the elect.

So turns out Hermana Luker has a Costco card, and YOU ALREADY KNOW I'm out here wishing I had my costco pillows from home. So we sent it!! Haha. We went to Costco, got some cushy mushy pillows, I got my favorite Christmas treat, we looked at all the christmas toys (they've got some good stuff), and then... We went to the checkout
And the Lady was like, "Um we don't do guests anymore" and my spirit was completely broken. Haha. BUT then she was like, "This time I'll let it slide." WE MADE IT FAM. I got my pillows and it was truly a Costco dream come true. Then Hermana Luker bought us some buck 50 hotdogs. A dream, fam.

Turns out time flies when you're in Costco and when we came out it was past time to meet the Elders for bowling (it's Elder Larchar's last day in our Mission, he is off to Spain now) so we swooped by Target so I could buy a quick pair of socks and my Uncle Funky's.

And then

We bowled!!

Turns out I'm amazing at bowling until the 6th frame! Haha. Maybe it's the Christmas socks.

CONGRATS CONNIE AND JAIMEE!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! I love you all so much and I'm so sad that I missed the wedding, but I could feel the excitement of it all the way in Washington!

Hermana Jimenez

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