Sunday, November 17, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 10

4 November 2019

Last P Day the district carved pumpkins and I got my hand stuck in ours because it was bien pequeño.(:

Monday night I was feelin' trunky, so I dressed up like the normal Sofie HOOPS AND ALL. It was a good time. Lol. Miss that.

Our district leader, Elder Montour, is going home soon (Like 14 days) and he always wants to go get food, so this week we sent it and went to icecream after district council!! It was a 10/10 good time. I got huckleberry & Chocolate caramel brownie. I know. Lol.


We now have a solid attendance at our English classes and everyone LOVES it. This time. When class ended we had some awesome gospel conversations with some of our students... I think we might start teaching them the real important stuff!!! SO exciting!!!

We got A BUNCH of mail on Tuesday and it was so great! Hermana Luker got a bunch of food and her parents put in caramels and cheese it grooves for me, so that was 10/10 awesome. Then we got matching Halloween socks and snacks. I got my DEVACURL WHICH WAS SO EXCITING and some WWJD bracelets just in time to gift one to Miguel at his baptism!!! The best part if it all, though was a bunch of letters that the Young Women sent me!! It was such a surprise and it MADE MY WEEK!! I love you guys.(;

Sister Bird and I started out the exchange strong by getting pulled over by the cops for not having our lights on.🤷‍♀️ Hahaha. It was a good time. The other sisters saw that we had been pulled over and we made up this crazy story about how they made me breathe into a breathalyzer because I was yelling out the window and waving my hands at the car next to us because they left their phone on top of the car. GOOD TIMES. They totally fell for it. Hahah. Then we spent the whole day at Lake Steven's finding and serving at the Food Bank. Gorgeous, huh!? We went back to our house at 5:00pm to start handing out candy!! We made these cute handouts that were dumb-dumbs that had a paper that said "I am a child if God" on them. We had good candy too, so all the kids loved it. Haha. Then I got to call the fam. On HALLOWEEN. Augga made us noodles, too, so it was a great day. President is out here being extremely generous with Holiday calls. 


LISTEN: I'm a beginner at all of this mission stuff. We also had to jump through all the hoops in the entire world to have this baptism for Miguel. Sooooo... let me just start this story from the entire beginning.

6:30 AM
We wake up and pray, I do my PT

7:00 AM
We text all the people that need to know we're having a baptism today, we are officially PUMPED for the day. We skirt and get ready.

8:30 AM
We start to plan our day, what we are going to do and when, the entire list of things that have to be done before Miguel's baptism.

10:00 AM
Comp study starts, we make cards for Miguel and plan out some more of the logistics of the day. The elders told us that the plight o  the long didn't work and that we would have to fill it on full blast for two hours and the. Another 40 minutes before Miguel is baptized. AND THEN that someone would need to step on the drain. We were like, chill.

12:30 PM
We leave the house and go to Panda Express because we can. And it's BAPTISM DAY Y'ALL. We get to the church and start the font.

1:30 PM
We realize that we never talked to the single adults to make sure it will be okay to use the gym for good until 8:00 PM. We call all the way up the chain to call Hailu who tells us to call some white chick who is NOT happy that we are tryina' swoop on the cultural hall and yadda yadda about how SINGLE ADULTS ARE IMPORTANT, TOO. So finally, I'm like, "listen, the cultural hall is yours, you have it reserved, but it would be such a help if we could use it until 8:00PM. We will set up the entire activity with signs to get to the Primary room." And she's like, "okay fine, enjoy your baptism." So we start sprinting around setting up the primary room for this single adult event and putting up signs. Everything is set up great and I decide we need a couple more signs, so we go back to the clerk's office to print them.

2:30 PM
We leave the clerks office and start walking down the hall when I hear Sister Luker scream, "HERMANA, OH SHOOT" I look down and water is POOLING OUT OF THE BAPTISMAL ROOM DOOR. I rip the door open and see the water slowly BUT SURELY trailing out of the font.

I don't think I have ever been more shook in my life than at this exact moment in time.

We sprint through the bathroom to get to the font and Hermana Luker rips her boots off, Flings her dress off and dives into the Font. She wades to the other side to turn off the water and then DIVES TO THE BOTTOM to unplug the font.

I grab her a towel and she starts drying off while I frantically begin to SQUEEGEE water from the carpet back into the font. We clean up as best we can with the mops and then lay the two towels in the church down to try to soak up water. They just immediately saturate and we start to really panic. I FRANTICALLY SQUEEGEE FOR 20 MINUTES while Hermana Luker calls the Elders 6 times. (One of the times we forgot to hang up so they got a frantic voicemail saying, "Get FREAKING RECKED what are we going to do. Who knew today would be the day we died." And stuff like that, lol).

3:30 PM
We decide we need to leave for Hermana Luker to get a new change if clothes and for us to get EVERY towel in the house and our box fan to try and clean up as best we can before the baptism. We get home, frantically run around the house collecting towels, and I say a kneeling prayer while Hermana Luker changes her clothes. We grab our fan, towels, some stress eating snacks, and SKIRT.

We arrive at the church, to find the ZL's laughing their heads off while they stomp on towels. We put them to work and THREW THIS BAPTISM TOGETHER. Everything came along PERFECTLY. Hermana Chatfield swooped at the perfect time to help us out (SHE CAME W CHICK FIL A, TOO. Bless up. The only chick fil a in the mission is in her area and she brought me some.😭) The baptism literally was so cute and the programs were so great and the board was decorated and we had a card for everyone to sign. It was so great. Haha.

We take pics with Miguel and hide our towels and box fan. There's 10/10 still a huge wet spot. The program goes great, but when everyone walks in, they're all like, "que PASOOOO???!?!?!" So then we told everyone and they all thought it was hilarious. We got laughed at A LOT. Then the water was freezing cold when Miguel got in because we used all the hot water. Lol.

The program ends and we everyone goes to eat snacks. We take pictures with Miguel and set the fan back up, and when we come back no one had gone I to the cultural hall. Everyone was just hanging out in the kitchen and the hall. RIP. Lol yeah. So all of it was for not, But Miguel got baptized and that's all that matters.

So that is the story of the longest day of my life so far.

I FINALLY got stamps to start sending letters back to my Abuelita and the cashier at Fred Myers didn't even give me an option, so looks like I'm going to be sending letters with Santa stamps for the next little while. Hahaha.(;

Anyway, that was A LOT. Hahah. I hope you all get a good laugh out of my 1st baptism and if you ever swing by my parents' house ask them to show you the videos, because they are pretty hilarious. I know that God is with us and that he cares about the little things, too. I know that as we make and keep covenants we will be blessed beyond our wildest dreams! Being away from home is hard, but honestly, my entire mission is worth it for Miguel!

I love you, Fam!!!
Hermana Jimenez

Ps: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BRO, ALEX ON THE 7th!!!!! 22. What a ride. You're awesome, Alex. Thanks for being the best brother ever.


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