Monday, October 28, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 9

28 October 2019

This week was pretty awesome!!! Filled with some whack experiences, too. Haha. Alright fam, LET'S GET TO IT.

I Got Asked Out on a Date:
Lol so during finding time I got asked out on a date. I know. Lol. We street contacted this guy that seemed super interested in the Book of Mormon (I honestly think he really is) and we were telling him about it and how it's the reason we're serving missions and then he was like asking us if we could date during the mission and we were like lol NO. And explained how we have all these rules and he was like. You guys are totally worth waiting for. I would wait 18 months to date you which is sweet and all but this guy was like mid 30's. Lol, I was shook. We sent the story to the district and Elder Helms sent this meme:

100 DAYS:

Wednesday was my 100 day mark in the mission. I know. Lol I made it folks. If I can do 100, I can do like 400 more. Anyway. Hermana Luker and I SENT IT and got Panda Express and it was the best night if my life. We watched "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" while we ate Panda. Almost felt like home again. Casi.

Okay to make a long story short I talked to maybe the most actually insane person I've ever met in front of Sister Auna and now she loves me. Lol. This homeless person came into the church during interviews to use the bathroom and then came out and asked us if we were the Mormon church. I did the whole "Church of Jesus Christ" shpeel and then she was like. Oh, well one time I tried to go into one of your church buildings and you didn't let me in. So THEN I did the whole temple shpeel. Then she was asking me if there were pelicans in Utah. Then she started talking about some whack island that Charlee Scheen's dad made a movie on and how every day since the 80's the virgin Mary has appeared to someone and been like "Yo WHACK stuff is about to happen." And how she's starting a non-profit for it and she told us what the website was and I was like, "Here's a card with our website on it where you can find all the answers. You should check out the Book of Mormon app, too, have a great day." And now sister Auna thinks I'm a legend. She called me poised. Lol.


This was SUCH an amazing experience. Hermana Luker and I received a referral to a place we had been tracting last week and didn't finish, so we headed back for finding time. We ended up talking to our referral and she said she was taking lessons with the JW's, but I didn't understand, so I taught her all about the BoM while she waited patiently. I bore my testimony, gave her a BoM and we left. Pretty sure we won't get a call from her at least in this transfer, but we went on tracting.

And let me tell you, tracting like the white missionaries do it is BIEN DIFICIL. People yelling at us constantly and talking about how their life sucks, but then wanting nothing to do with Christ when we tell them he can make a difference. TANTO DIFICIL. #respect to all these state-siders out here. So I'm feeling discouraged and frustrated about everything and just praying constantly for the faith to find, and we come to this door and have a really meaningful contact with a man named Victor. He was so excited and got emotional when we showed him El Vive. 10/10. Made him a friend. And we kept trucking on with hope. 7:00 came along and my companion wasn't doing too hot and just wanted to go home, but there were 3 doors left. I said, "Let's just do these few and then we can leave." As we passed the one we planned on knocking last we saw this big burly white dude inside and Hna Luker was like, "whelp we def don't have to do that one." We knocked the other 2 doors and had 2 great meaningful contacts. As we were walking back (in the pitch dark, mind you) I was like, let's just knock this door really quick. Lol and let me tell you my comp was NOT happy about it. She was like, "we can either end the night on a good note or we can knock." But I went stomping on and knocked. I see his big burly shadow emerging from the hall through the window and IMMEDIATELY I was thinking "WHAT did I DO?" This dude is terrifying and we're going to die right here on his doorstep.

And then...

He answered the door.

He was like, "Well hi there, how are you doing!? Let me turn the porchlight on."

HE WAS SO NICE. And he kept being nice to us after we said we were missionaries. We told him about Christ and his atonement and that He loves him and this guy starts BAWLING. I'm talking about tears streaming down his face, can't speak he's so emotional. Immediately I just started testifying about how God has a plan for HIM and how the BoM will bring him closer to Christ than any other book. I gave him a book of Mormon and finally, he said "I really needed you guys tonight." He went on to tell us that he works nights at the casino and today is his only day off and if we could meet next week that would be amazing.
I've knocked on that door 3 times before with no answer. GOD IS MINDFUL OF US. HE MAKES THINGS HAPPEN SO THE ELECT ARE FOUND. Get freakin' recked. I've never been so happy in my life. We got in the car and I just screamed at the top of my lungs, "FOURTH FLOOR, LAST DOOR SUCKA'!!" A miracle.


Our branch started doing these soccer nights to encourage less-actives and friends to come and to build fellowship in the ward and it was super fun. All of the Hermanas just sit on the stage and cheer everyone on, but Hermana Luker and I play and every time one of us gets the ball they're always like, "Si Hermana! Como asi! Fortaleza! MIEDOOO!!!" Anyway it's good fun and I scored a goal, but I definitely biffed it in the gym and popped one of my ribs out of place, so RIP. I'mma need some more workouts from Kev. Haha. We had bacon-wrapped hot dogs, donuts, chips, and jamaica!! The people out in Washington know how to eat, fam.

7th Day Adventist:

Hermana Luker and I headed up to Granite Falls to spend the day because we had 2 lessons planned and it's 30 minutes away so it's kinda a whole day adventure. (I've only been there once before). So we pull up to this ghost town out in the boonies and knock on our first appointment and... 

we got stood up.😭😭😭

So then we stopped at Shell to get some caffeine to get us through the next 3 hours of weekly planning and finding we were about to do. After that, we had an awesome appointment with some Seventh-day Adventists we've been teaching. They fed us enchiladas and we laughed and enjoyed and then we taught our lesson. Then she showed us a really crappily dubbed over 40-minute long video in Spanish about all of the evidence towards the sabbath day being Saturday, but how at the end of the day it is just a day out of seven and we were like...



Because the video just basically said it didn't matter what day we have the sabbath on and the family is really held up on this SILLY little thing and none of the answers we find satisfy them. BUT they're awesome and we love them, so we watch the weird vids they show us. They also gave us the journal of the chick that started their church and I promised her I'd read it after my mission. So yeah! Fun times in Granite Falls.


So we were in this contact with a guy that legit thought he was the moral compass of the world and we were talking about all of this stuff and I can't remember why, but I ended up just blurting out, "We share the SAME gospel at every door, from the rich of the rich to the poor of the poor." And then I was like, "wait, did I just rhyme?" Anyway. That was WHACK, y'all. He really liked us, but he wasn't tryina' learn.


I'm living the boujee life out here in Washington. Not even going to lie, the members we live with are my favorite part of Washington. They always give us food, ALWAYS. They always talk to us about normal stuff that makes me feel like a real person again, and they make us feel like part of the fam. I'm going to miss them so much when I leave this area.😪 Anyway, peep the actual Chinese FEAST Augga made for us on Saturday. They also gave us chocolate strawberries and grapes and cheese and crackers. The boujee life. Lol.

Hopefully my emails are a little more entertaining with these little experiences!! Haha. I'm going to try to start doing this every week.

Other than all that jazz, we have the baptism of Miguel this week!!!! I am so excited and so proud of him. He was SO ready to hear the gospel when we started teaching him and I'm honestly just so excited and grateful that I've been able to teach him this whole time, from the first lesson to the baptism. It's crazy to see how the gospel changes people's lives. We were talking yesterday and Miguel told me, "When you first taught me you promised me that God would answer my questions and I was like '¿how? He's just going to talk to me or something, yeah right' and then I opened the Book of Mormon, and the answers came." I know that God is mindful of us and that he listens to and answers our prayers. This Gospel has the power to change your life. It really does. But, maybe even more valuable than that is the power the atonement of Jesus Christ had to change our hearts. He's waiting for us with open arms, we just have to be willing to let him change us.

I know this Gospel is true, fam. I wouldn't be out here in Washington grinding every day only 15 hours away from my house if it wasn't, so do me a favor, if you aren't 100% in just FREAKING do it. As Elder Rasband said in this past conference, "FREAKING YEET WHATEVER GARBAGE IS HOLDING YOU BACK INTO THE WATERFALL AND COMMIT." We don't need lukewarm people in this gospel. We need YOU and we need ALL OF YOU. You will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination as you sacrifice things of no eternal importance to the Lord. I promise you.

I love you guys! 

Hermana Jimenez

PS: Someone PLEASE go to Chick-fil-A for me. Haha.

Oh also I dropped my phone and it hit the side of the curb completely shattering the screen protector. So it's great that I had another one!!! 
Woohoo for blessings. Haha.

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