Sunday, October 27, 2019

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 8

21 October 2019

Sorry I missed a week we were wildin' out here. Things are great in Washington. It rains every day and it's starting to get really cold, but people respect us a lot more when we're out knocking, so that's awesome!

This week has been pretty awesome. We hit standards again. THAT'S A MONTH HERE IN SUNNYSIDE WE'VE HIT STANDARDS. So crazy.

I'm teaching English classes every Tuesday. We have so much fun. It started with the Elders teaching the class, but the Hermanas in the ward asked me if I could come to teach conversational classes so I did, and I don't know exactly how. But I kinda ended up just teaching the whole thing. At first, there would only ever be like one of the Elders' friends ("friends" being the word that they use in Sofia's mission for investigators) and an Hermana from the ward. Now we have at least 7 people every week!! We had a huge number jump because we serve at the food bank and whenever I take someone through in Spanish, I invite them to come to the English classes. One woman accepted my invite and brought 3 of her sisters!!! It's a blast. Everyone is just laughing the whole time but really they're learning (that part's a secret). I started making these sheets for them with difficult words to pronounce, for example, a column of b words and a column of v words or I made a whole sheet for w sound words with the Spanish translation and a corresponding audio file so they can practice. My little sheets and audio files are actually working super great!! English class is actually my favorite thing because a lot of it is SLP (speech-language pathology) and seeing people's speech improve is everything for me!! (Sofia decided after her freshman year at BYU that she wants to study speech-language pathology - we'll see if that sticks.)

We have 3 progressing friends, but I want to talk about Miguel today. He is THE perfect convert. Haha. A fun story about him today is that when we taught him the Word of Wisdom he told us that for the past two days he just had 0 desire to drink coffee (which he was usually crazy about). After we taught the lesson he quit Cold-Turkey. The guy is so willing to do ANYTHING for the gospel. It's insane. I love him so much and he's getting baptized on November 2nd!!!!

The gospel is great, the gospel is good. It's the way to find joy in any circumstance, in any place. I love it and I invite each and every one of you to live it. Live the gospel with all your heart and see how it can change your life. Because it can AND will. I love you guys and I'm so thankful for all of the emails and prayers and thoughts. Keep bein' awesome.(;

Hermana Jimenez

Ps: Momma check out the allergic reaction Augga gave me!! (This stuff was well worth the risk. Hahaha)

Pps: Fitz is still out here hanging out with us every day. He's my favorite dog.

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23 March 2020 Hello friends and family! I have felt all your love so strongly this week. Thank you so much for your prayers and emails...