Thursday, March 19, 2020

Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 29

16 March 2020


Wellllllllll... Corona is alive and well out here. Hahaha. We are preparing for the worst in the mission. We all have 2 weeks worth of food just in case we end up being isolated and we're studying up on how we can better prepared to proselyte using online tools.

Whether or not we end up being isolated, the work is going to keep moving on. We're doing what we can where we can and trusting in the Lord.

We went Saturday night to the store for one last good stock up on food and it was basically all gone. Crazy times we are living in right now. Hahahaha. My companion had to take a pic.

Anyway, don't worry about us out here. We're doing good!! We're surviving and I have faith that we will be able to continue preaching the gospel even with all of these crazy restrictions.

Today we went on a hike called "Old Robe Canyon" which sounds super lame but was actually totally awesome. Hahaha. It was literally the whole crew. Lily, the Elders in the branch, and our English class ladies all came, so it was a lot of fun.(;

Anyway, this week has been extremely slow, but we were able to pick up a friend! So we had been teaching this lady named Sonia who owned a little tienda here in our area and we would mainly teach her at her store, but every once in a while, we would stop by her house. One of those times, her sister, Carmen, happened to be there and seemed super interested. We were so excited.

We tried to call her a million times to set up appointments and she would always pick up and tell us she was busy, but that she would text us when she had time, and then... never would. Haha. You know. The usual. We felt prompted on Friday to call her and it was the usual rundown all over again. She said, "I'm busy right now, but when I get home in a couple of hours I will send you my address so you can come." Same as always, so we were hopeful, but not sure. Welllllll she called us!! And we were able to go over and have a super spiritual lesson with her and her two kids. We can't wait to go back. It's funny how the spirit works.

Anyway, I'm super short on time, so I'll talk to you all next week. Remember! The Lord is with us. Have faith and find a way to partake of the sacrament and be spiritually nourished each week. I am serious. Do not forget what matters most when we all need it most. Just because we can't meet doesn't mean we aren't still the church of christ, so let's be disciples and serve where we can, and ask for help from the person who knows our needs perfectly.

I love you,
Heavenly Father loves you a whole lot more,


And... from the cheating mom... I'm just glad that Sofia is still in her first area, living in the basement of members so I can send packages directly to her house. I said I wouldn't do it again, but... given the circumstances, I just had to send some GREEN FUN!!!

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Arlington; Sunnyside Branch - Week 30... The News

23 March 2020 Hello friends and family! I have felt all your love so strongly this week. Thank you so much for your prayers and emails...